Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Show up Early and Prepared or Go Home!

What should a Bride and Groom stress about on their wedding day? The answer is …..Nothing? And although this does not seem realistic, it is the wedding planner’s job; no, I mean to say, responsibility to mitigate any situation that may cause the wedding couple stress. In some situations, this means not mentioning that water leak in the reception room which is being fixed and will be fixed prior to the start of the reception. As the planner, I or one of my team members will be on-site at the reception and ceremony venues prior to the event to inspect the set-up, get to know the serving staff and bartenders and make sure all the details are attended to in a manner befitting the hosts and their guests. So nothing, not missing flowers, entertainment technical difficulties or MIA guests will stop your event. We come early and prepared to address and rectify any show stopping issues just as if we were hosting the party ourselves.

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